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2023年03月26日 15:04  点击:[]

永亮 男,汉族,生于1984年4月,山西省忻州市人;2012年6月毕业于西北大学物理化学专业,获理学硕士学位,2013年7月来商洛学院化学工程与现代材料学院工作,主要从事基础教学及功能配合物的应用研究。目前,主要参与国家自然科学基金资助项目1项、陕西省教育厅项目1项,商洛学院科研项目2项、商洛学院教改项目2项;在《Inorganic Chemistry Communications》、《CrystEngComm》、《Journal of Solid State Chemistry》、《zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine chemie》等学术期刊共发表论文4篇。






[1] Yong-Liang Liu, Ya-Pan Wu, Dong-Sheng Li, Wen-Wen Dong, Chun-Sheng Zhou, Two interpenetrating CuII/NiII-coordinated polymers based on an unsymmetrical bifunctional N/O-tectonic:Syntheses, structures and magnetic properties[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 223: 38–43.

[2] Yong-Liang Liu, Feng-Ying Chen, Yan-Qing Di, Jie Cao, You-Ying Di, and Chun-Sheng Zhou, Two Coordination Polymers based on a Flexible Tritopic Pyridyldicarboxylate Ligand: Structures and Magnetic Properties[J]. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2016, 642, (3), 246-249.

[3] Yong-Liang Liu, Ke-Fen Yue, Dong-Sheng Li, Yang Yu,a Lei Hou and Yao-Yu Wang, The first one-fold inclined 1D A 3D polycatenation assembly from unique interweaving triple-stranded helices[J]. CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 2791–2794.

[4] Yong-Liang Liu, Ke-Fen Yue , Bing-Hui Shan, Li-Li Xu, Cheng-Jun Wang, Yao-Yu Wang, A new 3-fold interpenetrated metal-organic framework (MOF) based on trinuclear zinc(II) clusters as secondary building unit (SBU)[J]. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2012, 17: 30–33.