有机功能材料创新团队成立于2021年,团队目前由王以寿(团队负责人)、汪小钢、郝东艳、高兰昌、苟杏杏、范超超、拜武7位博士组成,主要以有机化学为基础,围绕共价有机框架材料的合成与应用,形成了“有机功能材料”为特色的研究方向。团队在Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.、Sci. China. Chem.、Org. Lett.、Chem. Mater.等国际TOP期刊和权威期刊发表高水平学术论文40余篇,授权专利6件。获批陕西省科学技术厅项目5项、陕西省基础科学研究院项目2项、商洛学院科研项目10余项。
[6]基于9,10-二炔/烯蒽核心有机小分子及配位驱动金属超分子自组装体的[4 + 2]光氧化反应研究.项目编号2024-JC-YBQN-0133,陕西省科学技术厅青年项目。
(1)Wang,Y.-S.;Yuan,X.-N.;Gou,X.-X.;Song, X.-T.;Wang,X.;Guo,L.;Liu,Y.;Qiao,C.; Zhou,C.;Han,Y.-F.Sci. China. Chem.2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11426-024-2401-5(SCI一区,IF = 10.4).
(2)Wang,X.;Szostak,M.Synthesis of Functionalized Indoles by Iridium-Catalyzed N–H Insertion Cascade: Nucleophilic Cyclization of Naphthylamines witha-Diazocarbonyl Compounds. The Journal of Organic Chemistry,2024,(Accepted)
(3)Wang, Y.-S.;Bai, S.; Wang, Y.-Y.; Han, Y.-F.Controllable Synthesis of Polyimidazolium Macrocycles Basedon Metal⁃N⁃heterocyclic Carbene Templates. Chinese J. Inorg. Chem.2024, 40,221–231.
(4)Fan C.C.;Liu Y.;Gong Q.Y.;Zhou C.S.;Qiao C.F. Synthesis and Characterization of SiO2/nGO/Fe3O4/SeQDs Nanoparticles as Potential Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery Systems. Langmuir,2024, 40, 12792-12801. (SCI二区, IF = 4.3)
(5)Hao,D.;Su,R.;W,C.Properties of Epoxy Modified Starch Tanning Agent Combined with Aluminium Salt.Journal of the society of leather technologists and chemists,2024,108,28-35.
(6)Hao,D.;Guo, X.; Zhu,X.Progress in synthesis, modification, characterization and applications of hyperbranched polyphosphate polyesters.Designed Monomers and Polymers,2024, 27, 62-86.
(7)Wang, Y.-S.;Li, H.; Zhang, L.; Bai, S.; Wang, Y.-Y.; Han, Y.-F.N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Stabilized Platinum Nanoparticles within a Porphyrinic Nanocage for Selective Photooxidation.Sci. China. Chem.2023,66, 778−782(SCI一区,IF = 10.4).
(8)Hao, D.;Zhu,X.;Hao,D. Synthesis of Ionic Liquid-Based Amphiphilic PolymerSurfactant and its Application in Leather Fatliquoring.Journal of the society of leather technologists and chemists,2023,107,60-65.
(9)Fan, C.C.;Wang,Y.;Zhao,J.;Zhao,Y.X.;Yang,D.;Li,B.Y.;Yu,L.;Yang,X.-J.;Wu B. Reversible [4 + 2] Photooxygenation in Anion-Coordiantion-Driven-Assembled A2L2-Type Complexes. Inorg. Chem.,2022, 61, 2198-2203. (SCI一区, IF = 5.4)
(10)Wang, Y.-S.;Wang, Y.-Y.; Han, Y.-F.Phase-Mediated Controllable Intra- and Intermolecular Photocycloadditions Assisted by Supramolecular Templates.Sci. China. Chem.2022,65,1129–1133(SCI一区,IF = 10.4).
(11)Gao, L.; Hao, C.; Ma, R.; Chen, J.; Zhang, G.; Chen, Y. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a New Class of Multi-target Heterocycle Piperazine Derivatives as Potential Antipsychotics.RSC Advances,2021,11, 16931−16941.
(12)Gao, L.; Hao, C.; Chen, J.; Ma, R.; Zheng, L.; Wu, Q.; Liu, X.; Liu, B. F.; Zhang, G.; Chen, Y.; Jin, J.. Discovery of a New Class of Multi-Targetheterocycle Piperidine Derivatives as Potential Antipsychotics with Pro-cognitive Effect,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters,2021,40, 127909.
(13)Gao, L.; Yang, Z.; Xiong, J.; Hao, C.; Ma, R.; Liu, X.; Liu, B. F.; Jin, J.; Zhang, G.; Chen, Y. Design, Synthesis and Biological Investigation of Flavone Derivatives as Potential Multi-Receptor Atypical Antipsychotics.Molecules,2020,25, 4107.
(14)Wang,X.;Zhang,J.;He,Y.;Chen,D.;Wang, C.;Yang,F.;Wang,W.;Ma,Y.;Szostak,M. Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Ortho-C-HAlkylayion of Naphthylamines with Diazo Compounds for Synthesis of 2,2-Disubstituted Extended 3-Oxindoles in Water,Org. Lett.,2020,22, 5287-5192.
(15)Hao,D.;Wang,X.;Liu,X.A Novel Eco-friendly Imidazole Ionic Liquids Based Amphoteric Polymers for High Performance Fatliquoring in Chromium-free Tanned Leather Production.Journal of hazardous materials.2020,339,123048.
(16)Gou,X.-X.;Liu,T.;Wang,Y.-Y.;Han,Y.-F.Ultrastable and Highly Catalytically Active N-Heterocyclic-Carbene-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles in Confined Spaces.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2020,59, 16683-16689.
(17)Gou, X.-X.;Peng,J.-X.;Das,R.;Wang,Y.-Y.;Han,Y.-F. On/offFluorescenceEmissionInduced byEncapsulation,Exchange andReversibleEncapsulation of a BODIPY-Guest inSelf-AssembledOrganometallicCages.Dalton Trans.,2019,48, 7236-7241.
(18)Wang, X.; Zhang, J.; Chen, D.; Wang, B.; Yang, X.; Ma, Y.; Szostak, M. Rh(III)-Catalyzed C-H Amidation of 2-Arylindoles with Dioxazolones: A Route to Indolo[1,2-c]quinazolines, Organic Letters, 2019, 21, 7038-7043. (一区top)
(19)Wang, Y.-S.;Bai, S.; Wang, Y.-Y.; Han, Y.-F.Process-Tracing Study on the Post-Assembly Modification of Poly-NHC-Based Metallosupramolecular Cylinders with Tunable Aggregation-Induced Emission.Chem. Commun.2019,55, 13689−13692(SCI二区, IF =6.065).
(20)Wang, Y.-S.;Feng, T.; Wang, Y.-Y.;Hahn, F. E.;Han, Y.-F.Homo- and Heteroligand Poly-NHC Metal Assemblies: Synthesis byNarcissistic and Social Self-Sorting.Angew. Chem.,Int. Ed.2018,57, 15767−15771(SCI一区, IF =16.823).